KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、アドリアン・ヴェルシュキュール氏[Baukunst / スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校]とWOHA(ウォン・マン・サム氏+リチャード・ハッセル氏)2組によるパブリックレクチャーを同日同会場にて開催いたします。


日時|2020年2月14日[金] 15:00–18:30

Technic as Space

アドリアン・ヴェルシュキュール 客員教授[スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校 EPFL / Baukunst]

このレクチャーは、従来とはことなる仕方での空間生成の方法を見出す試みとして技術に焦点をあてています。変わりようのない永続的なものとしての形態ではなく、ここでは建築を「仕組み Dispositif」ととらえようとしています。そこでは、物理的環境と非物理的環境の新しい関係性を探求し、またそれら両者が、その時代の空間の「作因」および「産物」となり、そしてそれらが人間と非人間を、主体と客体を再び結束することができると想定しています。

アドリアン・ヴェルシュキュール 客員教授[スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校 EPFL / Baukunst]

サンリュック・デ・トゥルネー建築大学(ベルギー)、およびスイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校にて建築を学んだ(卒業制作は1999年エリア・ゼンゲリス教授指導)。その後ヘルツォーク&デ・ムーロン事務所(スイス・バーゼル、2000-2003)にて勤務し、またレム・コールハース率いるOMA(オランダ・ロッテルダム、2001)の仕事にも関わった。設計事務所Made In(スイス・ジュネーブ)の協働設立者でもある。

Adrien Verschuere





WOHAの実績は多岐にわたり、独自性のあるバイオフィリックデザインと統合的ランドスケーピングで知られている。数々の建築賞を受賞しており、最近ではカンポン海軍本部が高層ビル・都市居住協議会(CTBUH)主催の2019 Urban Habitat Award、2019 Best Mixed-Use Building Award、2018 World Building of the Yearを、オアシア・ホテル・ダウンタウンが2018 Best Tall Building Worldwideを受賞。プラチナグリーンマークを取得したパークロイヤル・オン・ピッカリング・ホテルはシンガポールを代表する建物で、CTBUHの2015Urban Habitat Award、2014 Design for Asia Grand Award、2013 World Architecture News Hotel of the Year Awardを受賞している。現在はシンガポール、インド、中国、オーストラリアで建設プロジェクトが進行中。
WOHA作品の巡回展が2011年12月にドイツ建築博物館から開始。現在までにWOHA作品集は4点出版されている。また2016年には21世紀に向けて建築と都市を問い直すWOHA流の思考の枠組みをまとめた『Garden City Mega City』を出版。
「Garden City Mega City」展が2016年3月から6月にニューヨークのスカイスクレイパー・ミュージアムで、2017年3月から4月にかけてMextropoli Festivalにあわせてメキシコで、そして2018年2月から4月にアメリカ・テキサスのオースティン中央図書館で開催された。

Kampung Admiralty © Darren Soh

Oasia Hotel Downtown © Patrick Bingham-Hall

PARKROYAL on Pickering © Patrick Bingham-Hall

SkyVille @ Dawson © Patrick Bingham-Hall

Richard Hassell and Mun Summ Wong © Studio Periphery

KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] will hold public lectures by Adrien Verschuere [Baukunst / EPFL] and WOHA (Mun Summ Wong + Richard Hassell).

Looking forward to seeing you.

Time: 15:00-18:30 Friday 14 February, 2020
Venue: 60th Anniversary Hall, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Admission free

Technic as Space

Adrien Verschuere [EPFL]

The lecture will investiguate technic as a mean of unveiling alternative production of spaces. Instead of through the inexorable permanence of its forms, architecture will be considered here as a “dispositive”, engaging new types of relationship between built and non-built environment, assuming its potential as both being a spatial « agent » and a « product » of its time, able to re-unite humans and non-humans, subjects and objects.

Studies in Architecture at ISA St-Luc Tournai, Belgium and at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland (diploma with Prof. E. Zenghelis in 1999). He was a design architect at the office of Herzog & de Meuron, Basel between 2000 and 2003 and collaborated with the Office for Metropolitan Architecture – Rem Koolhaas, Rotterdam until 2001. Adrien Verschuere is the co-founder of the architecture firm Made in, Geneva, Switzerland. 
In 2008, he established BAUKUNST in Brussels and from 2017 in Lausanne. Besides his current teaching position at the Université Catholique de Louvain, diploma tutor, Adrien Verschuere is regularly invited as guest critic or lecturer in various institutions, among others : the FAUP Porto, IRGE Universität Stuttgart, Berlage Institute Rotterdam,  USI Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio, ETH Zürich and the EPF Lausanne. In 2017, the first built projects were both nominated to the Mies van der Rohe Award.
From 2019, Adrien Verschuere is Visiting Professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.

Garden City, Mega City: strategies for the 21st century sustainable city

WOHA(Mun Summ Wong + Richard Hassell)

The 21st century promises to be very different from the 20th century: we face global warming, unprecedented population growth, limited space and natural resources. So why are cities being planned using components that were developed in post-war Europe and America?
In this lecture, WOHA Founding Directors Mun Summ Wong and Richard Hassell will speak about the trajectory that WOHA’s projects have taken on from climatically appropriate designs, to skyrise greenery, to holistic designs that not only focus on the environment but also build and foster communities. They will share ideas on what the designers of hyper dense cities of the 21st century could and should be doing to make them great places to live.

WOHA was founded by Wong Mun Summ and Richard Hassell in 1994. Rather than being overwhelmed by the challenges of climate change, population growth and urbanisation, the Singapore-based practice researches and innovates new architectural and urban solutions to tackle the problems of the 21st century.
WOHA has accrued a varied portfolio of work and is known for its distinct approach to biophilic design and integrated landscaping. The practice has won a number of architectural awards, most recently the 2019 Urban Habitat and Best Mixed-Use Building awards from the Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) and 2018 World Building of the Year for Kampung Admiralty and 2018 Best Tall Building Worldwide for the Oasia Hotel Downtown.
WOHA’s Platinum Green Mark-rated PARKROYAL on Pickering hotel has become one of Singapore’s most iconic buildings, receiving the 2015 CTBUH Urban Habitat Award, the 2014 Design for Asia Grand Award and the 2013 World Architecture News Hotel of the Year Award.
The practice currently has projects under construction in Singapore, India, China and Australia.
A travelling exhibition devoted exclusively to their work opened at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Germany, in December 2011, and four monographs have been published on WOHA’s projects to date. “Garden City Mega City”, a summation of their template for rethinking architecture and cities for the 21st century was published in 2016.
WOHA’s “Garden City Mega City” exhibition opened at The Skyscraper Museum in New York in March – September 2016 and thereafter in Mexico for the Mextropoli Festival from March – April 2017. The exhibition returned to the United States in February – April 2018 where it was on show at the Austin Central Library in Texas.

Kampung Admiralty © Darren Soh

Oasia Hotel Downtown © Patrick Bingham-Hall

PARKROYAL on Pickering © Patrick Bingham-Hall

SkyVille @ Dawson © Patrick Bingham-Hall

Richard Hassell and Mun Summ Wong © Studio Periphery
