明治期を代表する陶芸家・初代諏訪蘇山による陶芸作品の石膏型を最新のデジタル技術で復元し、アーカイブ化する「初代 諏訪蘇山アーカイブ化プロジェクト」。この成果を多くの方に共有いただくため展覧会を企画。クラウドファンディングを利用して支援を募っています。

「初代 諏訪蘇山アーカイブ化プロジェクト」の展覧会を企画
KYOTO Design Labでは、2019年10⽉より、3Dスキャンや3Dプリントなどのデジタルファブリケーション技術を⽤い、明治期に活躍した帝室技芸員(現在の人間国宝に相当)の陶芸家・初代諏訪蘇⼭が残した貴重な陶芸作品の⽯膏型をアーカイブするプロジェクトを実施しています。当代となる四代諏訪蘇⼭氏との協働により、初代諏訪蘇⼭の貴重な作品群をデジタルデータとして記録保存するとともに、歴史的価値の⼯芸品を復元し、保存するプロセスを多くの方にご覧いただくべく、クラウドファンディングにて展覧会の開催を目指しています。




【初代 諏訪蘇山について】

初代諏訪蘇山 没後百年記念展 in 妙心寺 大雄院
〜初代蘇山の遺した石膏型を次代へ with KYOTO Design Lab〜

会期 : 2021年10月7日[木] – 10月11日[月]
会場 : 臨済宗大本山妙心寺塔頭 大雄院
(京都市右京区花園妙心寺町52 Tel.075-463-6538 https://www.daiouin.com/)
開場 : 10:00~16:00
特別拝観料 : 700円


Suwa Sozan I archiving project restores plaster molds of ceramic works by Meiji era ceramic artist Suwa Sozan I with help of the latest digital technology. The results of the archiving project will be shared with a wider audience in the upcoming exhibition which is supported by a crowdfunding campaign.


Suwa SozanⅠArchiving Project — Exhibition in Progress

From October 2019 KYOTO Design Lab has been using digital fabrication technology such as 3D scan and 3D printer for Sozan SuwaⅠarchiving project. The archiving project restores plaster molds of precious ceramic works left by Sozan Suwa I, Imperial Artist (Living National Treasure) who was active in the Meiji era. In collaboration with Suwa Sozan IV, the precious ceramic works of Suwa Sozan I are recorded and saved as digital data to preserve their historical value. The results of the archiving project will be shared with a wider audience in the upcoming exhibition.

Inheriting the Original Technique Before Passing the 100th Anniversary of the Artist’s Death.

About two years after the project was launched, the technical and qualitative restoration has been established to share the outstanding arts of the Meiji era to the next generation with help of digital technology. Suwa Sozan I precious artworks will be shared in the upcoming exhibition before year 2022, the 100th anniversary of his death. Having a wide audience witnessing this process, it’s possible to continue the manufacturing and ensure transmission of the techniques in the future.
The exhibition is made possible by deep connection with the Suwa Sozan family and Myoshinji Daiouin, which has a large collection of Suwa Sozan artworks.

The Aim of Crowdfunding

The upcoming exhibition is held to gain a wider recognition for the technical accumulation and know-how gained from this project. Crowdfunding campaign is launched to support the exhibition financially. The campaign is open through crowdfunding platform “READYFOR”.
Supporters will be awarded with thank you-gifts such as exhibition tickets, restored replicas, Chinese tea ceremony with Suwa Sozan tea ware, and thank-you mail with Suwa Sozan AR.
For more information, please visit the crowdfunding site and support the project.

The detailed outline of the exhibition will be announced at a later date.

About Suwa SozanⅠ

Born in Kanazawa in 1851 (Kaei era) as the eldest son of the Kaga feudal lord, Suwa Shigezaemon. After moving to Tokyo, Suwa Sozan studied arts and crafts with Fenollosa.
After being invited to Kiln of Kinkouzan Soubei, Suwa Sozan became independent and opened his own studio in Gojozaka, Kyoto in 1907 (Meiji 40). Suwa Sozan’s artworks are statues and figurines that are made using plaster molds. Artworks include openwork vases and incense burners with delicate cloud crane carving silverware.

For his outstanding technique of celadon works Suwa Sozan was appointed as an imperial Artist (regarded as Living National Treasure) in 1917(Taisho 6).

Exhibition outline

Suwa SozanⅠpre centennial exhibition in Myoshinji, Daiouin Temple
The plaster mold left to the next generation by Suwa SozanⅠwith KYOTO Design Lab

Date October 7, 2021 (Thursday) – October 11, 2021 (Monday)
Venue Rinzai Sect Daiouin Temple, Myoshinji Temple
(52 Hanazonomyoshinji-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, Tel. 075-463-6538 https://www.daiouin.com/)
Hours 10: 00–16: 00
Special admission fee 700 yen

Reviving ceramic works of Suwa SozanⅠby 100 years old plaster molds (READYFOR)