デザイン・リサーチャー・イン・レジデンスの島影圭佑氏による展覧会「”現実”の自給自足展」が、2022 年 2 月 14 日[月] -2 月 24 日[木]の日程で、N&A アートサイト(東京都目黒区上目黒1丁目11-6)にて開催されます。



会場|N&A アートサイト(東京都目黒区上目黒1丁目11-6/中目黒駅から徒歩5分)[map]
出演|beta post、楠見清、内田聖良、大野睦昌、上平崇仁、林園子、濱中直樹、津田和俊、ドミニク・チェン、和田夏実、清水淳子、加藤淳、菅野裕介、タカハシ ‘タカカーン’ セイジ、山本千愛、平尾修悟、青山新、東谷俊哉、Aokid、田中堅大、角田陽太、金森香、福田敏也、秋山孝幸、梶谷真司、荻原林太郎、水野大二郎、大橋香奈、ほか(順不同)
協力|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab


1991年新潟生まれ。デザインアクティビスト。父の失読症をきっかけに文字を代わりに読み上げるメガネ〈OTON GLASS〉を仲間と共に発明。自立共生する弱視者やエンジニアを増やすプロジェクト〈FabBiotope〉に取り組む。

The exhibition [Design Alternative Realities] by Design Researcher in Residence Keisuke Shimakage will be held on 2022.02.14–24 at N&A Art SITE, 1-11-6 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo.

What is a design that creates individual reality?
According to Keisuke Shimakage, it involves building one’s own design by combining different technologies and persistent communication with others, regardless of the obstacles.
Using personal media works to think about important issues. Take a walk with a camera or recorder. Capture your discoveries and take a look at a new city. After the recording, make use of your material through clothing, space or music production. Practice the professional techniques of design research and sociology as an ordinary citizen, while being exposed to complex issues.

This exhibition features Mr. Shimakage’s workshops, public interviews and screenings and the products created by practices mentioned above. The event is accompanied by Kyoto Institute of Technology staff Professor Daijiro Mizuno and Lecturer Kazutoshi Tsuda. The aim of this exhibition is to open up that knowledge and methodology to society based on the concept of hoping that our “real” self-sufficiency rate will rise.

Design Alternative Realities

Date| 2021.02.14 (Mon)–24 (Thu)
Venue|N&A Art SITE(1-11-6 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo/ 5 minutes from Nagameguro station)
Opening Hours|10:00–17:00
Closed|Sunday & National Holidays
Entrance Fee|Free
Curator|Keisuke Shimakage
Performer|beta post, Kiyoshi Kusumi, Kiyoshi Uchida, Mutsumasa Ono, Takahito Kamihira, Sonoko Hayashi, Naoki Hamanaka, Kazutoshi Tsuda, Dominique Chen, Natsumi Wada, Junko Shimizu, Jun Kato, Yusuke Sugano, Seiji ‘Takakhan’ Takahashi, Chiai Yamamoto, Hirao Shugo, Shin Aoyama, Toshiya Higashitani, Aokid, Kenta Tanaka, Yota Tsunoda, Kao Kanamori, Toshiya Fukuda, Takayuki Akiyama, Shinji Kajitani, Rintaro Ogiwara, Daijiro Mizuno, Kana Ohashi (appered in arbitrary order)

Scenographer|Sora Kobayashi, Yuta Murayama
Graphic Design|Mitsutada Moriya
Project Management Assistant|Shoko Horikawa
Collaboration|KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Sponsorship|Avex Business Development, N&A Inc., D/C/F/A

※The content of the event may be subject to change to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Visit the following link for further details.

Keisuke Shimakage

Born 1991 in Niigata.
Design actvist.
Developed reading aloud classes〈OTON GLASS〉together with his team due to his father’s dyslexia.
Shimakage’s project supports people with low vision and engineers to coexist independently.