1970年代前後に建設され、古民家のような価値化もまだされていない空き家改修の為、既存建物の精緻なデータ取得と、部材制作でのデータ活用にKYOTO Design Labが全面的に技術協力を行った。
瀬戸内国際芸術祭2022の出展作品として公開されている小豆島ハウスは、古民家のようなノスタルジックな価値をまだ持ち得ていない高度成長期に建てられた住宅であり、国内でも増加し続けているいわゆる空き家だった建物。新建築社は、その利活用可能性を検証する実験場として『小豆島ハウスプロジェクト』を開始。そこで建物に付帯する記憶や、建物の材料的・意匠的な資源性を抽出するツールとして3Dスキャニングをはじめとしたデジタル技術に着眼、KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]と新建築社で共同研究を締結し、協働に至った。
KYOTO Design Labとしては、小豆島ハウスへの改修前、構造体まで解体した時点での母屋・離れ・蔵の三棟を含む敷地全体、及び同敷地が位置する坂手エリアの玄関口である坂手港までの徒歩10分ほどの周辺界隈の3Dスキャニングを実施。さらに、補修の必要があった柱梁のシロアリダメージ部分の形状把握には、ハンドスキャナーによる高精細な3Dスキャニングを実施した。全体スキャンデータは映像展示及び改修後の意匠材の仕上げ加工に、精細な部分スキャンデータはシロアリダメージ部分の金継ぎ的な埋め戻し補修に用いられ、そのデジタルファブリケーションまでをD-labで担当した。
企 画|新建築社+砂木
設 計|砂木(木内俊克、砂山太一、大須賀嵩幸)
施 工|植松工務店
協 力|1階梁補修/補修形状3Dスキャンデータ提供元:京都工芸繊維大学
3Dスキャン・NC加工協力:KYOTO Design Lab
3Dスキャン・レーザーカット・NC加工協力:KYOTO Design Lab
京都工芸繊維大学 未来デザイン・工学機構の特任准教授であり、本共同研究の担当でもある木内俊克が、砂山太一と共同代表を務める一級建築士事務所。昭和期の住宅を扱い、解体・移動・再構築がテーマであった第 17 回ヴェネツィアビエンナーレ国際建築展日本館展示『ふるまいの連鎖ーエレメントの軌跡』(キュレーション:門脇耕三)に出展作家として参加。建築・空間デザインを中心としながらも現代美術やパフォーミングアーツなど芸術領域全般において、デジタル技術を活用した実験・リサーチから設計・企画まで、多様な関わり方でプロジェクトを数多く手掛けている。
京都工芸繊維大学 未来デザイン・工学機構 特任准教授。株式会社砂木共同代表。
東京大学建築学専攻修了後、Diller Scofidio+Renfro(2005–2007,New York) 、R&Sie(n) (2007–2011,Paris)勤務。帰国後は東京大学建築学専攻 (2011-2020) 他で、コンピュテーショナルデザイン、社会実験による都市データ解析研究に従事する一方、インスタレーション・舞台美術・建築から公共空間にわたる領域横断的なデザインの実践に携わる。代表作に都市の残余空間をパブリックスペース化した『オブジェクトディスコ』(2016)、材料や意匠の資源循環を試みた『小豆島ハウス』(2022)。第 17 回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ国際建築展日本館展示参加。主な編書に『建築情報学へ』(編集、millegraph)
瀬戸内国際芸術祭2022 新建築社+砂木 小豆島ハウスプロジェクト
アクセス|〒761-4425 香川県小豆郡小豆島町坂手甲1017
Google Map
開館時間|10:00 – 17:00 (火曜日閉館・8/16を除く)
秋会期|9/29 – 11/6(※ 春夏会期は既に終了)
詳細は、新建築+砂木 小豆島ハウスプロジェクト、および瀬戸内芸術祭2022公式HPにてご確認ください。また小豆島ハウスの建築作品情報は、新建築データ掲載記事からもご覧いただけます。
KYOTO Design Lab provided full technical cooperation in acquiring precise data on the existing building and utilizing the data in the production of components for the renovation of a vacant house that was built in the 1970s and has not yet been valorized as a historical building.
Shodoshima House, which is being exhibited at the Setouchi International Art Festival 2022, was built in the high-growth period of Japan’s history, that did not yet have the nostalgic value of a historical building, and was a so-called vacant house that has continued to increase in Japan.
Shinkenchiku-sha launched the “Shodoshima House Project” as an experimental site to examine the possibility of utilizing these buildings.
The project focused on digital technology, including 3D scanning, as a tool for extracting the memories attached to the buildings and the material and design resources of the buildings, and led to a joint research agreement between KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] and Shinkenchiku-sha.
KYOTO Design Lab conducted 3D scanning of the entire site, including the main house, the detached house, and the warehouse when they were dismantled down to their structural components, before the renovation to Shodoshima House, as well as the surrounding neighborhood, a 10-minute walk to Sakate Port, the gateway to the Sakate area where the site is located.
The entire scan data was used for the visual display and finishing of the refurbished design materials, and the detailed partial scan data was used for the backfilling of the termite-damaged areas, and D-lab was in charge of the digital fabrication process.
Setouchi Triennale:
I want to see the smiles on the faces of the island’s grandparents.
─ ─ For this to purpose, the “tourism” that brings people to the island must be a source of “happiness” for the islanders, and we hope that this art festival will lead to future prospects for the island. This has been our goal since the beginning: the “restoration of the sea.
(Setouchi Triennale official website)
As stated on its official website, this is an internationally renowned contemporary art festival with the aim of promoting regional development. Held intermittently throughout the year in three sessions (spring, summer, and fall) on the islands of the Seto Inland Sea, visitors can experience artworks displayed in the local landscape.
Shodoshima House:
planning|Shinkenchiku-sha co.,Ltd.+SUNAKI Inc.
design|SUNAKI Inc.(Kuchi Toshikatsu、Sunayama Taichi 、Osuka Takayuki)
Structural Design|Hafnium architects
contractor|Uematsu Corporation
cooperation|First floor beam repair / Repair shape 3D scan data provided by Kyoto Institute of Technology
3D scanning and NC machining cooperation: KYOTO Design Lab
Blackened plywood / 3D scan data of decorative shapes of floor columns provided by Kyoto Institute of Technology
Cooperation for 3D scanning, laser cutting and NC machining
:KYOTO Design Lab
SUNAKI Inc. is an architectural design firm of Toshikatsu Kiuchi, a specially-appointed associate professor at the Center for the Possible Futures, the Kyoto Institute of Technology
and in charge of this joint research, who co-chairs the firm with Taichi Sunayama.
They participated as exhibiting artists in the Japanese pavilion of the 17th Venice Biennale of Architecture (curated by Kozo Kadowaki), where the theme was disassembly, movement, and reconstruction, dealing with Showa-era housing.
While focusing on architecture and spatial design, they have been involved in a number of projects in all artistic fields, including contemporary art and performing arts, using digital technology in a variety of ways, from experimentation and research to design and planning.
Sakate, where the project is located, is one of the most attractive areas of Shodoshima, with its close proximity to nature and villages, and a rich cultural landscape that is still being nurtured.
The video work based on point cloud data including villages scanned by D-Lab has succeeded in expressing a delicate and emotionally rich information space, which was made possible by the recording and scanned data of the environmental sounds of Sakate.
We hope you will visit Sakate and feel another Sakate that rises up in the information space at the gallery of Shodoshima House, where you will arrive.
The design, which is a fusion of the old and new parts of the building and the digitally scanned and processed parts, creates a unique look and feel.
Please come and experience the space!
Profile of Toshikatsu Kiuchi
Project Associate Professor, the Center for the Possible Futures, the Kyoto Institute of Technology. Co-president of SUNAKI Co.
After graduating from the Department of Architecture at the University of Tokyo, he worked at Diller Scofidio+Renfro (2005-2007, New York) and R&Sie(n) (2007-2011, Paris).
After returning to Japan, he has been engaged in research on computational design and urban data analysis through social experiments at the Department of Architecture, the University of Tokyo (2011-2020).
His representative works include “Object Disco” (2016), which transformed a residual urban space into a public space, and “Shodoshima House” (2022), which attempted to recycle materials and design resources. He participated in the exhibition of the Japanese Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. His major edited books include “Toward Architectural Informatics.
About the Event
Setouchi Triennale2022 Shinkenchiku-sha + SUNAKI Shodoshima House Project
Access|1017 Sakatekabuto, Shozugun Shodoshimacho, Kagawa 761-4425 JapanGoogle Map
operati|10:00 – 17:00 (Closed Tuesdays, except 8/16)
Autumn session|9/29 – 11/6(※ The spring/summer session has already ended.)
For more information, please visit Shinkenchiku + SUNAKI Shodoshima House Project and Setouchi Art Triennale 2022 official website. Information on the architectural works of Shodoshima House can also be found in the Shinkenchiku Data article.