Danai Thaitakoo and Brian McGrath [Chulalongkorn University]、Brian McGrath[The New School University]

日時 2023年12月14日(木) 13:30〜17:00
会場 京都工芸繊維大学 Kyoto Design Lab 2F
入場無料・定員30名 要申込 使用言語:英語(通訳はありません)
Free admission, registered required. Please register below.

 本セミナーでは、環境科学と景観デザイン・建築を結びつける仕事をしてこられたDanai Thaitakoo さん(Chulalongkorn University・景観デザイン)と Brian McGrath さん(The New School University・都市デザイン)を囲んで、デザインと環境科学の間の関係を考えます。お二人の共同研究は、都市バンコクを人工物と農地、湿地が織りなすモザイク状の景観構造の一部ととらえ、都市デザインをチャオプラヤ・デルタの水文環境の中で問い直す視点を提示しました。また、McGrath さんはアメリカにおける都市の生態学的研究の開拓にあたって建築学の立場から主導的な役割を果たしました。

Introduction: 森田敦郎(大阪大学・人類学)
Introducing Waterscape Urbanism: Danai Thaitakoo and Brian McGrath
The emergence of urban ecological design: Brian McGrath
Comment from landscape ecology: 原祐二(和歌山大学・景観生態学)
Comment from design/design research: 水内智英(京都工芸繊維大学・デザイン学)

共催:大阪大学人間科学研究科 Ethnography Lab
協力:和歌山大学、京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab

Conversation between Design and Environmental Sciences: Waterscape Urbanism and the City as an Ecosystem

Date and time: December the 14th, 13:30-17:00
Venue: Kyoto Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Language: English
Free admission, registered required. Please register below.

Brian McGrath and Danai Thaitakoo’s collaborative and respective works have opened up a new approach to seeing and designing a city as part of wider ecological processes mediated by water flow. The architects’ engagement with environmental sciences — landscape ecology and hydrology in particular — has contributed to the emerging field of urban ecology and provided practical guidance to designing along with ecological processes. For example, Danai’s former students have now led Asia’s most ambitious urban landscape design projects such as the large-scale retention park at Chuklalongkorn University.
This seminar aims to look into their groundbreaking work in linking ecological sciences and design and discuss its wider implications for designing in times of climate and environmental disruption. We welcome not only architects and environmental scientists but also designers of all sorts as well as those concerned about rebuilding livable space in the face of growing ecological uncertainty.

Introduction: Atsuro Morita (Osaka University)
Introducing Waterscape Urbanism: Danai Thaitakoo and Brian McGrath
The emergence of urban ecological design: Brian McGrath
Comment from landscape ecology: Yuji Hara(Wakayama University)
Comment from design/design research: Tomohide Mizuuchi (KIT)