建築構法イノベーション研究室公開レクチャーシリーズ2023 第1回
Virtual and Artificial Reality –What it is, and how GenAI will change everything
仮想現実と人工現実 –生成AIはどのようにすべてを変えるのか?
Dr. Christopher PERI
Ph.D. in Architecture, University of California, Berkeley
Senior Director, Samsung Mobile, Bay Area, U.S.A.
Advanced Research Group in the Immersive Experience Lab
16:00–17:00 JST, Monday, 23 October, 2023 2023年10月23日[月]16:00―17:00 日本時間 UTC+9
1/F, Room 103, Kyoto Design Lab, East Building No.1, Matsugasaki Hashikamicho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606 -0951, Japan
English only, 日本語の翻訳も可能
In-person only, online participation could be possible if applicable
Dr. Peri’s expertise is in the field of information design and system architecture, both for presentation and collaborative systems. He has worked in both traditional corporations as well as co-founding a few startups.
His recent activities focus on product definition, identifying and pursuing new markets for products, directing a team of programmers and artists as well as managing customer expectations for product creation and deployment.
Christopher’s most recent (public) effort was conceiving and leading the creation of a DYI drop- in AR headset. The main goal of the work was less about building a working 6 degrees of freedom (DoF) AR headset, and more about the study of what can be done at a low Bill of Materials (BOM) cost.
Currently, he leads the Advanced Research group in the Immersive Experience Lab. Varied responsibilities from Product Requirements Document (PRD) creation, to low power research, to advanced Computer Vision (CV) tools and applications, as well as working with external partners.
定員 no. of participants|30 名(入場無料 / 要申込 Free admission, registered required)
●申し込み Registration
以下の URL にアクセスし予約専用フォームからお申し込みください
Please register below
Dr. Ming Shan (Charmaine) Ng Project Associate Professor
Chair of Architecture, Construction and Innovation, Center for the Possible Futures, Kyoto Institute of Technology
呉明珊 特任准教授
京都工芸繊維大学 未来デザイン・工学機構 建築構法イノベーション研究室
お問合わせ Point of contact
建築構法イノベーション研究室公開レクチャーシリーズ2023 第1回
Virtual and Artificial Reality –What it is, and how GenAI will change everything
仮想現実と人工現実 –生成AIはどのようにすべてを変えるのか?
Dr. Christopher PERI
Ph.D. in Architecture, University of California, Berkeley
Senior Director, Samsung Mobile, Bay Area, U.S.A.
Advanced Research Group in the Immersive Experience Lab
16:00–17:00 JST, Monday, 23 October, 2023 2023年10月23日[月]16:00―17:00 日本時間 UTC+9
1/F, Room 103, Kyoto Design Lab, East Building No.1, Matsugasaki Hashikamicho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606 -0951, Japan
English only, 日本語の翻訳も可能
In-person only, online participation could be possible if applicable
Dr. Peri’s expertise is in the field of information design and system architecture, both for presentation and collaborative systems. He has worked in both traditional corporations as well as co-founding a few startups.
His recent activities focus on product definition, identifying and pursuing new markets for products, directing a team of programmers and artists as well as managing customer expectations for product creation and deployment.
Christopher’s most recent (public) effort was conceiving and leading the creation of a DYI drop- in AR headset. The main goal of the work was less about building a working 6 degrees of freedom (DoF) AR headset, and more about the study of what can be done at a low Bill of Materials (BOM) cost.
Currently, he leads the Advanced Research group in the Immersive Experience Lab. Varied responsibilities from Product Requirements Document (PRD) creation, to low power research, to advanced Computer Vision (CV) tools and applications, as well as working with external partners.
定員 no. of participants|30 名(入場無料 / 要申込 Free admission, registered required)
●申し込み Registration
以下の URL にアクセスし予約専用フォームからお申し込みください
Please register below
Dr. Ming Shan (Charmaine) Ng Project Associate Professor
Chair of Architecture, Construction and Innovation, Center for the Possible Futures, Kyoto Institute of Technology
呉明珊 特任准教授
京都工芸繊維大学 未来デザイン・工学機構 建築構法イノベーション研究室
お問合わせ Point of contact