京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Labは、スイスのUSIメンドリージオ建築アカデミアと本学とのジョイントスタジオを機に来日される、ジョナサン・サージソン教授によるパブリックレクチャーを、京都および東京にて開催いたします。両都市で異なるレクチャーになりますので、ぜひご参加ください。

Lecture “Public Realm”
Jonathan Sergison (Sergison Bates, London/Zurich)
日時 2023年10月5日(木) 17:30開場、18:00開始
場所 京都工芸繊維大学 60周年記念館1階記念ホール
入場無料、申込み不要 *言語は英語(通訳はありません)
主催 京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab

Conversation “Feeling at Home”
Go Hasegawa x Jonathan Sergison (Sergison Bates, London/Zurich)
日時 2023年10月10日(火) 17:30開場、18:00開始
主催 京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab

Villa beside a Lake

サージソン氏は、スティーブン・ベイツと共同でサージソン・ベイツを設立しました。現在では、ロンドン事務所に加え、チューリッヒとブリュッセルベースに活動をしています。彼らのプロジェクトは、2GやEl Croquis などの主要メディアにより良く知られており、世界的な評価を得ています。2006年のハインリッヒ・テセナウ賞を始め数多くの賞を受賞しています。
サージソン氏は、1989年にロンドンのAAスクールを卒業し、デイヴィッド・チッパーフィールドとトニー・フレットンのもとで実務経験を積みました。ノース・ロンドン大学、ロンドンのAAスクール、スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(ETH)、スイス連邦工科大学 ローザンヌ校(EPFL)、オスロ建築デザイン学校、ハーバードGSDなど、多くの建築学校で教鞭をとってきました。2008年からはスイスUSIメンドリージオの建築アカデミアで教授を務め、2019年「都市・景観研究所」の新設に関わり、それ以来所長を務めています。
サージソン氏は、都市問題一般に加え、特に現代ヨーロッパ都市構成の変容に関して継続して取り組んでいます。より具体的には、都市状況の変化に対して住宅が果たしうる役割を、執筆、教育、実践のすべてのツールを駆使して明らかにしようとしています。また、執筆や講演の他、ゲストクリティークやコンペ審査員も頻繁に務めています。事務所パートナーのベイツ氏との共著として、Papers、Papers 2とPapers 3 を出版しています。来年には第4弾の出版が予定されています。

ハーバード大学大学院デザインスクール客員教授(2017, 2019)

KYOTO Design Lab of Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) will host two lectures by Professor Jonathan Sergison, on the occasion of a joint studio that is being held between KIT and Academy of Architecture, USI Mendrisio, Switzerland.

Lecture “Public Realm”
Jonathan Sergison (Sergison Bates, London/Zurich)
Thursday, 5 October 2023
Doors open at 17.30, starts at 18.00
60th Anniversary Hall, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Admission free
Organised by KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology

Conversation “Feeling at Home”
Go Hasegawa x Jonathan Sergison (Sergison Bates, London/Zurich)
Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Doors open at 17.30, starts at 18.00
Admission free
Free admission, registration required (Capacity first 30 people)
Organised by KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology

Villa beside a Lake

Professor Jonathan Sergison
Jonathan Sergison is best known as a partner at Sergison Bates, which he co-founded with Stephen Bates in London in 1996. Since then, Sergison Bates have realised numerous buildings throughout Europe and more widely. In 2010 they opened a studio in Zurich Switzerland and in Brussels Belgium in 2018. Their projects are well known and have appeared in journals including 2G and El Croquis, and have gained worldwide recognition. They have received numerous awards including the Heinrich Tessenow Medal in 2006.
Jonathan Sergison graduated from the Architectural Association School of Architecture in 1989 and gained professional experience working for David Chipperfield and Tony Fretton.
He has taught at a number of schools of architecture, including the University of North London, the Architectural Association in London, was Visiting Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne (EPFL), the Oslo School of Architecture and Design and the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Since 2008 he has been Professor of Design and Construction at the Accademia di Mendrisio, Switzerland, and in 2019 he was invited to establish the Istituto di Studi Urbani e del Paesaggio (ISUP, Institute of Urban and Landscape Studies) which he has directed since its’ founding.
He is particularly interested in urban questions and the changing conditions of the contemporary European city. More specifically, he has addressed this through writing, teaching and practice, the role housing might play in this changing context.
He regularly writes and lectures, attends reviews in schools of architecture and competition juries. Stephen Bates and Jonathan Sergison have produced three books of writing. Papers. Papers 2 and Papers 3. A fourth one is planned for next year.

Dr. Go Hasegawa
Born in Saitama, Japan in 1977
Completed the Master Course, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2002
Working at Taira Nishizawa Architect from 2002 to 2004
Established Go Hasegawa and Associates in 2005
Lecturer at Tokyo Institute of Technology from 2009 to 2011
Visiting Professor at Academy of Architecture of Mendrisio from 2012 to 2014
Visiting Professor at Oslo School of Architecture and Design in 2014
PhD in Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2015
Visiting Professor at University of California, Los Angeles in 2016
Visiting Professor at Harvard University Graduate School of Design in 2017 and 2019
*Dr. Go Hasegawa will only participate at the Tokyo venue.