KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、下記の日程で、アールト大学の建築学科長ピルヨ・サナクセナホ准教授による公開レクチャー「Base, Space and Light」を開催します。




Base, Space and Light

会場京都工芸繊維大学 60周年記念館 2階大セミナー室
入場|無料 ※申込不要
言語|英語 ※通訳はありません
主催|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab



建築家マッティ・サナクセナホとともにヘルシンキにあるサナクセナホ・アーキテクツのパートナーを務め、設計プロジェクトには南京市のVilla CIPEA、中国のOrdos100プロジェクト、フィンランド・トゥルク市のEcumenical Art Chapelなどがある。サナクセナホ・アーキテクツはヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ国際建築展にこれまで3度招待されており、手がけたプロジェクトは国際的な建築専門誌に広く掲載されている。現在の研究テーマは、学習環境デザインとインクルーシブ・ミュージアム。

KYOTO Design Lab will hold the public lecture “Base, Space and Light” by Architect Pirjo Sanaksenaho, Associate Professor of Building Design and the Head of the Department of Architecture at Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture.


The first part of the lecture will introduce Aalto University and its architecture department, the key focus areas of the university and its architecture education.
The second part is about Sanaksenaho Architects’ projects, from private villas to a chapel and health care center. The thread in the projects is human experience, simple forms, and pure materials.

Base, Space and Light

Date|10:30-12:00 Monday 22 April, 2024
VenueLarge Seminar Room, 2nd floor, 60th Anniversary Hall, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Lecturer|Pirjo Sanaksenaho[Aalto University]
Admission free
Organized by KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology


Pirjo Sanaksenaho

Architect Pirjo Sanaksenaho (D.Sc) is Associate Professor of Building Design and the Head of the Department of Architecture at Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Aalto University is a multidisciplinary, international university, which combines art, design architecture, technology, and business located in Finland.
Pirjo Sanaksenaho is partner in Sanaksenaho Architects office in Helsinki together with architect Matti Sanaksenaho. Their design projects include Villa CIPEA in Nanjing, Ordos100 project in China and Ecumenical Art Chapel in Turku, Finland, among others. Sanaksenaho Architects has been invited to Venice Biennale of Architecture three times and their projects have been published widely in international architecture publications. Her current academic research interests include Learning environment design and Inclusive museums.