新建築 2018年4月号「リノベーション特集」に、田原幸夫特任教授がスーパーバイザーとして携った「旧国立公衆衛生院」(東京都港区)の保存活用計画「港区郷土歴史等複合施設(ゆかしの杜)」が14ページに渡り、掲載されています。(本誌P.048-061)




また、本号においては、2018年2月18日に本学で開催された「保存再生学特別研究会|近代文化遺産における活用の意味を考える」(本誌P.021)及び、[第3回]連続特別講義「歴史的建物の所有者からの保存論|村野藤吾の近三ビル・86年の軌跡」に講師として来学された森隆氏[近三商事㈱代表取締役 社長]のインタビューとともに「近三ビルジング(旧 森五商店東京支店)」(本誌P.062-071)も掲載されています。


The cover story on the April issue of Shinkenchiku features the topic of renovation and introduces “Yukashi no Mori”, the local history museum complex that resulted from the conservation and utilization project of what was previously known as the Institute of Public Health in Minato-ku, Tokyo. Project Professor Yukio Tahara of KYOTO Design Lab has been dedicated to this project as a supervisor.

The former Institute of Public Health is now reutilized as a complex that includes local history museum of Minato-ku, palliative care support facility for cancer patients, and childcare support facility. KYOTO Design Lab has been actively supporting this unique approach to preservation and reutilization by the local government.

Below is the comment from Project Professor Yukio Tahara.

Reutilizing Yushikazu Uchida’s Architecture as a Living Heritage
We have come to a completion of the reutilization project of what was previously known as the Institute of Public Health, designed by Yoshikazu Uchida and completed in 1938. The architecture was transformed into a complex that includes local history museum of Minato-ku, palliative care support facility for cancer patients, and childcare support facility. Since the original design is well preserved in this piece of architecture, the challenge was centered around how to meet the required performance while preserving the authenticity of the historical architecture.

While the restoration of the terminal building on the Marunouchi side of Tokyo Station has inherited and preserved the original functions of the building, this project dealt with the mixed-use development that introduced new functions.
We hope that this project will become one of the benchmarks for reutilization projects of large-scale modern architecture through introducing new uses.

The April issue of Shinkenchiku also features “Conservation and Practical Use of Modern Cultural Heritage”, the symposium held in KIT on February 18th of 2018, as well as Kinsan Building owned by Mr. Takashi Mori (CEO of Kinsan Shoji Co, Ltd.), who was a lecturer at “Urban Revitalization, Conservation and Restoration”.
Please be sure to take a look at the recording of the lecture as well.