
Healthcare Futures Workshop: Design Workshop with Anthony Dunne, Royal College of Art

ブライトン大学とのワークショップ「廃棄物=素材から始まるデザイン」Design Upcycling: Workshop with the University of Brighton

英国王立芸術学院 スズキユウリ氏との共同ワークショップ「京都の見える構造、見えない構造」2015年5月27-31日Sound Design Workshop”Kyoto’s Visible and Invisible Structures” with Yuri Suzuki, Royal College of Art, 27-31 May 2015

アルスエレクトロニカ・フューチャーラボとの共同ワークショップ「ORI* CODE FOR MATTER」ORI* CODE FOR MATTER with the researcher from ARS ELECTRONICA FUTURELAB
The overall conceptual thrust of our cross-disciplinary workshop programme is on design futures in relation to our core themes:
Designing Social Interactions
Making and Materials
Critical Curation and Interpretation
The overall conceptual thrust of our cross-disciplinary workshop Program is on design futures in relation to our core themes. The workshops are open to all and advertised through KYOTO D-Lab and KIT networks as well as the social media. They range from short half-day workshops and technical workshops linked to use of the D-Lab Factory workshops and facilities, to intensive ones of four to five days in length. We organise them in collaboration with our partner universities abroad or with leading experts of the workshop theme. As a result, they draw student participants from different departments in KIT and from other universities in Japan and abroad, as well as KIT alumni. We actively encourage participants from industry, small businesses and the public and not-for-profit sectors. The student participants benefit from working with and being mentored by experienced professionals who, in turn, benefit from the energy and new ideas that only students can bring.
The Workshop programme has four major aims:
•to create an internal and external network of collaborators for KYOTO D-Lab.
•to explore and articulate D-Lab’s major themes and sub-themes
•to demonstrate a design-led interdisciplinary innovation methodology
•to generate professional-level design exemplars

Healthcare Futures Workshop: Design Workshop with Anthony Dunne, Royal College of Art

ブライトン大学とのワークショップ「廃棄物=素材から始まるデザイン」Design Upcycling: Workshop with the University of Brighton

英国王立芸術学院 スズキユウリ氏との共同ワークショップ「京都の見える構造、見えない構造」2015年5月27-31日Sound Design Workshop”Kyoto’s Visible and Invisible Structures” with Yuri Suzuki, Royal College of Art, 27-31 May 2015

アルスエレクトロニカ・フューチャーラボとの共同ワークショップ「ORI* CODE FOR MATTER」ORI* CODE FOR MATTER with the researcher from ARS ELECTRONICA FUTURELAB