
京都には煉瓦造の近代建築や疏水関連施設をはじめとする産業遺産が数多く残されている。今後日本におけるこうした近代化遺産としての煉瓦建造物の保存と活用を考えるとき、煉瓦という材料に関する各種課題を改めて明確にしておくことは非常に重要である。日本の近代化とともに西洋から移入された煉瓦建造物は、その後地震国という宿命の中で徐々に我が国から姿を消していったが、煉瓦建造物の耐震性能を確保する試みは、明治初期から各種試みられており、大震災に耐えて残った建造物も少なくない。しかし現在の建築基準法では本格的な煉瓦構造は想定されておらず、歴史的な煉瓦建造物の本質的価値を守りながら長い将来に向けて使い続けていくことを可能にするためには、多くの課題が横たわっている。本シンポジウムでは、煉瓦建造物を文化財として保護するだけでなく、「生きた遺産(Living Heritage)」として社会の中で長い将来にわたり使い続けるための可能性を探った[田原幸夫]


田原幸夫[京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab特任教授]


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© 2015 Kyoto Institute of Technology All Rights Reserved.

Brich Structure as Living Heritage

There are many examples of industrial heritage remaining in Kyoto, including modern brick architecture and canal facilities. When considering how to conserve and make practical future use of these brick structures that form the heritage of Japan’s modernization, it is vitally important to clarify each issue related to the brick materials. The brick buildings that were introduced to Japan from the West during its period of modernization gradually vanished as they fell victim to earthquakes, but attempts to make these brick structures seismically resistant were carried out from the early Meiji era (1868–1912) and many were able to survive the disasters until the present day. However, current building standards laws do not cover genuine brick structures, meaning there are many issues facing us in order to make it possible to continue using historical brick buildings for many years to come while protecting their intrinsic values. This symposium explored these possibilities for the long-term use of brick structures, not only protecting them as cultural assets but also as a living heritage within society. [Yukio Tahara]

Dr. Naoji Hasegawa [Building Research Institute]
Dr. Shigeru Onoda [Railway Technical Research Institute]
Yukio Tahara [Professor, KYOTO Design Lab]

Saturday 1 August 2015

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