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ME310/SUGAR is a yearlong design innovation PBL program that originated in Stanford University and expanded globally. Through this program, students from schools around the world collaborate on a loosely-defined project topic provided by corporate partners. The goal in nine months is for students to work internationally while developing and prototyping an innovative product/service concept.
For the 2015-2016 academic year, eight students from the KYOTO Design Lab will be working with students from Stanford University and Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. The project with Stanford is partnered with Toppan Printing and the theme investigates how communication can be improved between people who don’t share a common language. The project with Swinburne is partnered with Yanmar and the goal is to develop an entirely new solution for vineyards and farmers.
In October 2015, all universities participating in ME310/SUGAR came to Stanford university for the annual Global Kickoff Workshop. Through the interactive five-day workshop, students learned the elements and philosophy of design thinking from professors from the different schools. Students also participated in the paper bike challenge, an annual warmup activity where students have to build a vehicle out of paper material. In total, over 250 students from 23 universities and 15 countries came to the Global Kickoff Workshop which started 32 projects for the 2015-2016 academic year. Students and professors will return to Stanford in June 2016 for the final EXPO.
ME310/SUGAR gives students the opportunity to collaborate with other students who come from different cultures and backgrounds to create something completely new and valuable. Students learn the necessary skill sets to work in an innovation team in both large and small companies and gain the mindset that allows them to see gaps in the world where new solutions can be developed. Alumni of the program have gone on to start many companies as well as lead product development teams in various organizations. [Sushi Suzuki]

October 2015-June 2016

© 2015 Kyoto Institute of Technology All Rights Reserved.