バッヘルマンと共同した本学の木村照夫教授の研究チームは、FRP[Fiber reinforced plastics 繊維強化プラスチック]を実験、炭とガラス繊維の代わりに樹脂と絹を使って硬いシート状の素材を作成していた。バッヘルマンはこのアイディアを発展させ、PLA樹脂[Polylactic acid ポリ乳酸]というバイオプラスチックを用いた3D印刷技術を用いることで、絹の内部に構造的な形状をもたらし、複数の層をヒートプレスによって融合させた。このように、視覚的な美しさと手触りの良さという、上質な絹の特性が保持され、自立構造をもつ製品ができ上がることが期待される。



KYOTO Design Lab 東京ギャラリー

本コンテンツの権利は作者本人及び京都工芸繊維大学に帰属しています。ご利用にあたっては info@までご一報ください。
© 2016 Kyoto Institute of Technology All Rights Reserved.

“How can 3D printing allied to innovative design find new product scenarios for Japan’s traditional weaving industry to actively preserve its skills base and livelihood?”
Michelle Baggerman is a product designer from the Design Academy Eindhoven whose research focus is sustainability and the combination of craft and technology in textiles.
The project built on the work of Professor Teruo Kimura from the Department of Advanced Fibro-Science at KIT and was a collaboration with Masaki Ebara of Ebara Textiles, a specialist weaving firm in the Tango peninsula that produces silk fabrics for religious garments and temple hangings. Their 14 denier transparent silk is the finest produced in Japan but no product applications had been found for it.
The design brief was to identify new scenarios and develop product concepts for the silk when used in combination with plastics. Professor Kimura’s team had experimented with FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) to produce hard sheet materials, using resin and silk to replace carbon or glass fiber. Michelle reversed this idea, using 3D printing with bioplastic PLA to provide internal structural shapes for the silk then fusing the separate layers by heat pressing. In this way, the beautiful visual and tactile qualities of fine silk were retained and freestanding products could be envisaged.Three prototypes for lighting products were created using the full width of the silk fabric with no cutting waste-one bent, one pleated and one folded. [Julia Cassim]

Workshop Leader
Design Academy Eindhoven
Michelle Baggerman

Design Associate Program: 17 August – 13 November 2015
Exhibition: 19 December 2015-31 January 2016

© 2016 Kyoto Institute of Technology All Rights Reserved.
