
「EXCHANGED FORMS」は、シンガポール国立大学デザインインキュベーションセンター[DIC]とD-labの共同プロジェクトです。



岡田栄造[京都工芸繊維大学 教授/KYOTO Design Labラボラトリー長]
パトリック・チア[シンガポール国立大学 准教授/デザインインキュベーションセンター ディレクター]

詳細はこちら »
D-lab東京ギャラリーで「EXCHANGED FORMS: シンガポールと京都を交換したデザイン」を開催します

What kind of design results from exchanging cultural images of Kyoto and Singapore?

“EXCHANGED FORMS” is the collaborative project among Design Incubation Centre [DIC], National University of Singapore [NUS] and KYOTO Design Lab.

Students in Singapore and Kyoto have exchanged each other’s cultural images and designed products based on the arbitrary interpretations of them. These products were exhibited on April this year during Milano Design Week.

This project is regarded as an experiment where we intentionally induce a spread and a transition of culture, one of the most important process in history, under regulated conditions. In the process of certain cultural elements such as words, tangible objects, and icons spreading from a certain region to another, some information inevitably gets lost and causes misinterpretation. At the same time, the adopted cultural elements evolve into something new by getting combined with the local culture of the destination. We purposely induced this process among Singaporean students and Japanese students.

Eizo Okada [CEO, KYOTO Design Lab / Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology]
Patrick Chia [Director, Design Incubation Centre / Associate Professor, National University of Singapore]

Details here »
Exhibition: EXCHANGED FORMS – Arbitrary interpretation of Singapore and Kyoto