
ニーラチュカー氏は、デジタルメディアの学士を取得後、ブレーメン芸術大学ファインアート学科の準修士を修了し、その後英国王立芸術学院でデザイン・インタラクションの修士を取得。現在は個人のプロジェクトに加え、実験的なデザインスタジオ proto/meta とキュレトリアル・アート・コレクティブ Research and Waves の共同設立者としても活動している。

KYOTO Design Labプロジェクト


ジュリア・カセム 特任教授[京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab]
井上智博[京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab デジタルファブリケーションルーム]
山下真[京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab ウッド・メタルワーキングルーム]

秋野順治 教授[京都工芸繊維大学資源昆虫学研究分野]
西森拓 教授[広島大学数理分子生命理学]

Henrik Nieratschker’s work carves out a space between design and art, technology and science, fiction and theory. Particularly interested in the narrative capacities of designed objects and technological applications, he reflects and extrapolates their states and potentials within the complexity of contemporary, cultural and sociopolitical conditions. His output ranges from graphics, products and video, to sculpture, interactive media and writing.

Henrik Nieratschker holds a BA in Digital Media and a Master’s Certificate in Fine Arts from the University of Arts Bremen and a MA in Design Interactions from the Royal College of Art in London. In addition to his solo projects, he is cofounder of experimental design studio proto/meta and curatorial art collective Research and Waves.

KYOTO Design Lab Project

Under the working title Social Insects / Social Realities: Experiments in Collective Intelligence Henrik Nieratschker is working in collaboration with Professor Toshiharu Akino of KIT’s Applied Entomology Department and Professor Hiraku Nishimori of the Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences, Hiroshima University. Drawing on Professor Akino’s expertise in social insect behaviour and pheromone communication and Professor Nishimori’s expertise in mathematical modelling, Nieratschker will look at the extensively complex social structures and adaptations of ants as models for new social interactions among humans. The areas of research include self-driving vehicles, disaster behaviour and supply chain management. These will be closely examined from a social viewpoint and re-imagined through a combination of different biologically-informed and socially-conscious design approaches.

Project Team
Professor Julia Cassim, KYOTO Design Lab
Tomohiro Inoue, KYOTO Design Lab Digital Fabrication Room
Shin Yamashita, KYOTO Design Lab Wood and Metal Working Room

Professor Toshiharu Akino, Applied Entomology Department, KIT
Professor Hiraku Nishimori, Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences, Hiroshima University