ナターシャは、サラエボ大学アカデミー・オブ・ファインアーツにてプロダクトデザインの修士を取得し、現在は同大学にてTAを務める。また、Studio Nataša Perkovićでの活動を通して製造業者と協働し、近年再興しているボスニア・ヘルツェゴヴィナの木材産業や家具産業と過去数年にわたってコラボレーションをおこなっている。
彼女の最新プロジェクトである、ダイニングルームの無垢材家具コレクション「Elle」は、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴヴィナにおけるベスト・プロダクトデザインとしてGrand Prix Collegium Artisticumを、また2017年ケルン国際家具見本市ではふたつのIconic: Interior Innovation awardを受賞した。
KYOTO Design Lab Project
ジュリア・カセム 特任教授[京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab]
井上智博[京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab デジタルファブリケーションルーム]
山下真[京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab ウッド・メタルワーキングルーム]
敷良則[京都工芸繊維大学 技術職員]
岡久陽子 助教[京都工芸繊維大学バイオベースマテリアル学専攻]
増谷一成 博士
山田和志 助教[京都工芸繊維大学先端ファイブロ科学専攻]
木村照夫 名誉教授[京都工芸繊維大学]
Nataša Perković is a product designer from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her focus is on design innovation that brings together beauty and craftsmanship through an understanding of production technologies, commercial optimization and project presentation. It is important that her projects are socially and environmentally sustainable.
Nataša has graduate and postgraduate degrees in Product Design from the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo, where she is currently Senior Teaching Assistant. Through Studio Nataša Perković, she works with manufacturers
and has collaborated with the reemerging wood and furniture industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the past several years.
Her most recent project, Elle, a collection of solid wood dining room furniture, has received several awards including a Grand Prix Collegium Artisticum for the best product design in Bosnia and Herzegovina and two Iconic: Interior Innovation awards at Imm Cologne from the German Design Council in 2017.
KYOTO Design Lab Project
This D-lab project focuses on using natural fibers left over from industrial processing or from forest waste in combination with bioplastics to design sustainable products. Working with material scientists from KIT, the aim is to develop a sustainable composite material from oil palm waste made up of a biodegradable polymer matrix and natural fiber reinforcement. The expertise of KIT materials scientists allows for experimentation with varying fiber sizes, ranging from macro fiber to lignocellulose nanofiber and different types of bioplastics like polylactic acid (PLA).
The composite aims to have a high strength-to-weight ratio and due to its natural components, have a relatively natural surface in comparison to traditional synthetic composites. The composite will be applied to create a product or series of products in a way that highlights the material’s mechanical properties and forming possibilities.
Japan, Bosnia, Malaysia and Thailand, although at very different stages of industrial development, have not fully utilized the potential of their natural fiber waste from industry, forests or plantations. For example, byproducts from the woodworking industry around Sarajevo are incinerated to provide energy for factory equipment or are made into wood fuel pellets alone while oil palm waste has become a major environmental issue. The project hopes that the knowledge gained from this project and will be transferable to other contexts besides Japan and the new design scenarios created will indicate a more sustainable and innovative way forward.
Project Team
Professor Julia Cassim, KYOTO Design Lab
Tomohiro Inoue, D-Lab Digital Fabrication Lab
Shin Yamashita, D-Lab Factory
Yoshinori Shiki, KIT Technician
Assistant Professor Yoko Okahisa, Department of Bio-Based Materials
Dr Kazunari Masutani
Associate Professor Kazushi Yamada, Centre for Advanced Fibro Science
Emeritus Professor Teruo Kimura