2017年6月15日、スイスから招聘したパトリック・ヘイツさんとフランソワ・シャルボネさん [Made in Sàrl]をゲストにお迎えし、2週間に渡って実施したワークショップの講評会、及び、日本国初めてとなる公開講演会を行いました。


On June 15, 2017, we invited Patrick Hates and François Charbonne [Made in Sàrl] invited from Switzerland to the guests, held a workshop review session conducted about two week, and the first time in Japan We held a public lecture meeting.
Compared to European cities where city boundaries are clear, it is often said that cities in Japan and Kyoto are ambiguous and contextual. In the first half of this workshop, we cut out a lot of images, texts and sounds by field work in Kyoto city, and edited them in the latter half to produce one video work. Through visual work produced by students etc., inside and outside the city Kyoto are visible and invisible things emerge, which is a challenging one to clarify the appearance of urban · Kyoto which is commonplace.
Students received comments from guests’ names both days, gradually making sharp edges of the work. In the final presentation, it became a video work in an interesting theme such as a path, depth, sound by time passage, etc. l By chance, the President of our university will also see a presentation. Furthermore, it seems that Mr. François added homework to the students to brush up further until next week.

From 15 o’clock, the first public lecture in Japan. In the venue, in addition to the students, architects who are active in the Kansai also participated. From Professor Vlay, it was introduced that it is “a rare architect coexisting with a thoughtful, provocative story that does not end with making beautiful works like Swiss architects”, the presentation is a space suit It was very exciting starting from the two who put on. Mr. François who is passionate in fast English and was passionate was impressive when he was talking with visitors until the departure time even after the lecture.