京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab(D-lab)は、2017年6月17日(土)から7月16日(日)まで、英国王立芸術学院(RCA)出身のマルセル・ヘルマー氏、ジョン・マクネア氏と取り組んだ共同研究の作品展「デザイン・クエスチョンズ展2」を開催いたします。
本展は、2015年12月から2016年1月にわたり開催した「デザイン・クエスチョンズ展」の続編にあたります。各プロジェクトは、2015年度のデザイン・アソシエイト・プログラムで取り組んだプロジェクトを引き継ぎ、D-labが掲げるテーマ「Designing Social Interactions——デザインによる社会的課題の解決」および「Making and Materials——素材と工法の革新」に基づいて、ジュリア・カセム特任教授による指導のもと、6ヶ月間にわたって実施されました。
2つのプロジェクトは、生物学、繊維学の研究の最前線で、どのような「デザインの問い」を抱き、どのような答えを形づくったのでしょうか? ぜひご覧ください。
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab東京ギャラリー
(〒101-0021 東京都千代田区 外神田6丁目11-14 アーツ千代田3331 203号室)[Map]
主催|京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab
[Designing Social Interactions]
マルセル・ヘルマー|Marcel Helmer
2012年ブレーメン芸術大学のデジタル·メディアでBA、2014年Royal College of Art のデザイン·インタラクションでMAを取得。コミュニケーションデザイナー、インタラクティブデザイナー。技術を基本とした経験から生みだされる科学研究、世界的なブランドや芸術家、デザイナーとのコラボレーションを軸に活動している。インターラクティブなインスタレーション展示、実験的作品、コミュニケーションの経験を発展させ、ユーザー体験やインターフェースを分析する為のソフトウェア開発やプロトタイプ作成を行う。
[Making and Materials]
ジョン・マクネア|John McNair
2016年Royal College of ArtでMAを取得後、エジンバラ芸術大学より捺染織物における最優秀生に選ばれる。ロンドンを拠点に、学際的な研究と伝統的な技巧や色とパターンを応用する高度技術を用いた新素材の開発に焦点を当て活動しており、ヘルスケアと生活の向上を目的とするソーシャルデザインに強い関心を持っている。
Design Questions 2
Period: Saturday, 17 June – Sunday, 16 July, 2017
Closed: Mondays, Tuesdays
Hours: 12:00-19:00
Venue: KYOTO Design Lab Tokyo Gallery (3331 Arts Chiyoda, Room203)
Room203, 6-11-14 Sotokanda Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 101-0021 [map]
Admission free
Organized by KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
The Kyoto Institute of Technology is known for its research excellence in the materials, life and information sciences and fibre technology.
In the KYOTO Design Lab Design Associate Programme, a young designer from abroad or within Japan is invited to work collaboratively with a Kyoto Institute of Technology professor on an ongoing research project for which design applications are required.
The aim is to harness Kyoto Institute of Technology’s research expertise and external networks using design innovation to address pressing social and economic issues and underscore the key mediating role design can play in interdisciplinary projects.
This exhibition centres on two recent six month-long projects from the KYOTO Design Lab Design Associates Programme. They fall within KYOTO Design Lab’s Designing Social Interactions and Making and Materials themes and were led by Professor Julia Cassim.
[Designing Social Interactions]
Of Flies, Mice and Men: drosophila and the interconnected landscape of genes
How can our aversion to fruit flies be overcome and their value in genetic research transmitted to researchers, drug companies and the general public?
How can something so small and different from us help us to understand humans?
How can this be visualized and materialized as a science education tool?
This science education design project centred on finding a new way of communicating the qualities of drosophila and their value as scientific tools within medical research and biology. The project was a collaboration between Marcel Helmer, an interactive designer from the Royal College of Art, and Professor Masamitsu Yamaguchi of the Department of Applied Biology at KIT.
Marcel Helmer
Marcel Helmer graduated with a B.A. in Digital Media from University of the Arts, Bremen in 2012 and received an M.A. in Design Interactions from the RCA in 2014. A communication and interaction designer, his focus is on technology-based experiences in collaboration with science research, global brands, artists and designers. He develops interactive exhibition installations, experimental objects and communication experiences and creates software and hardware prototypes that analyze user experiences and interfaces.
[Making and Materials]
S++: a hybrid silk textile for healthcare scenarios
Can chirimen, a traditional ‘intelligent’ silk fabric be re-engineered to allow it to meet the functional requirements of the healthcare market?
Can the new design scenarios opened up by this new material help revitalize the chirimen industry and enable the retention of its skills and knowledge base?
John McNair developed a hybrid textile what introduced Polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) and construction of chirimen and proposed design scenarios for healthcare. The project builds on the work of Professor Sachiko Sukigara from the Department of Advanced Fibro-Science at KIT, Dr. Kazunari Masutani from the Department of Bio-Based Materials Science at KIT and Ichiro Izawa of Kyoto Prefectural Institute for Northern Industry.
John McNair
John McNair received an MA from the RCA in 2016, after graduating with 1st Class Honours in printed textiles from Edinburgh College of Art. Based in London, his main research focus lies in interdisciplinary research and the development of new materials using high-technology alongside traditional craftsmanship and the application of color and pattern. He has a strong interest in social design with the aim of improving human well-being and livelihood.