KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、下記の日程でサム・ヘクト&キム・コリン[Industrial Facility]によるワークショップ「Essence of Things」を開催いたします。

Essence of Things

Herman Miller(米)、無印良品(日)、Mattiazzi(伊)などをクライアントに持ち、ロンドンを拠点に国際的に活動するプロダクトデザイナーSam HechtとKim Colin。「The Essence of Things」をテーマに、ブレインストーミング、ディスカッション、プロトタイピングと、3日間頭と手を最大限に使い、最先端のデザインプロセスを学びます。数々のデザインワークショップを行ってきた二人による、無駄のない洗練されたプログラムです。2年前に行われたワークショップ「良き友としてのデザイン」でも触れられた「Product as Landscape」など、これまで彼らが手がけてきた方法論を踏まえつつ、新たな内容が盛り込まれ、デザインの今を体験することができます。



会場|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab、ウッドファクトリー

サム・ヘクト[Industrial Facility]
1969年ロンドン生まれ。セントラル・セント・マーチンズのSchool of Artを卒業後、インダストリアルデザインと建築への興味からDavid Chipperfieldなどのもとで師弟訓練を積む。1993年にロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アートで修士号を取得後、カリフォルニアのIDEOを経て、深澤直人とコラボレーションするなど東京で精力的に活動する。1999年にロンドンへ戻りIDEOのHead of Industrial Designに就任。2002年にキム・コリンとIndustrial Facilityを創設した。その後Muji Japanの’Second Phone'(2004)のデザインをきっかけにWorld MujiのRetained Designerに就任。Taylor’s Eye Witnessでもメインデザイナーとしてロバート・ウェルチの作品の続編に取り組み、その作品はフランクフルトのMuseum Fur Kunsthandwerkで展示され、2006年にDesign PlusとIF Gold Prizeを受賞した。近年では、Herman Millerのデザイン・アドバイザーにも抜擢された。また、シュトゥットガルト大学やスイスのローザンヌ州立美術学校で教鞭を執る経験を持ち、2006年から2010年までロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アートでシニアチューターを務め、2011年にはドイツのHfG Karlsruheにて客員教授に就任。2008年にはイギリスでデザイナーが得られる最高の栄誉であるRoyal Designer for Industry (RDI)を授与され、Prince Philip Design Prizeにもノミネートされた。

キム・コリン[Industrial Facility]
出身のロサンゼルスで芸術史を学び、SCI-Arcで建築の修士号を取得。自身のプロジェクトであるSecret Studioではマイク・ケリーなどのコンテンポラリーアーティスト達とコラボレーションした。1997年にロンドンへ渡り、Phaidon Pressからの委託を受け、建築家ピーエル・コーニッグとジョン・ジャーディの最初のモノグラフを編集。その後、ロンドンのロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アートやAAスクールで建築設計を教え、特にブランドと建築の合意点にフォーカスをあてた。サム・ヘクトといくつかのプロジェクトでコラボレーションしたのち、2002年に共同でIndustrial Facilityを設立。プロダクトや家具に建築的な感覚を持ち寄ることで、二つの世界がどのようにお互いに影響を与え合いながら共に発展していくことができるかをよりマクロな視点で捉えたり、インダストリアルデザインの持つ責任を広めたりすることに尽力した。2008年にはHerman Millerのデザイン・アドバイザーに着任。また、著書には”Things that go unseen”や”Usefulness in Small Things”などがある。



2018年3月20日[火] 18:00まで


Essence of Things

Period: 27 – 29 March, 2018
Venue: KYOTO Design Lab and Wood Factory, Kyoto Institute of Technology

Sam Hecht and Kim Colin are London-based product designers who are active on a global scale and have Herman Miller (U.S.A), Muji (Japan) and Mattiazzi (Italy) as their clients, to name a few. With a theme of “The Essence of Things”, the 3-day workshop teaches cutting-edge design processes through activities that keep your brain and hands busy, such as brainstorming, discussions, and prototyping. It is a lean, sophisticated program taught by Sam and Kim who both have experience of leading numbers of design workshops before. The workshop lets you experience the current mode of design by introducing the new elements added to the methodology the two utilize such as “Product as Landscape”, which was introduced in the “Design as a Good Friend” workshop 2 years ago.
While the workshop features some advanced contents, it is very simple at the same time and open to anyone in the field of design, no matter if you are an undergraduate student or a practicing designer.

Workshop leader
Sam Hecht [Industrial Facility]

Sam Hecht was born in London in 1969. His training began at the Central Saint Martins School of Art. His interest in industrial design and architecture led him to apprenticeships including David Chipperfield. Hecht thus began to define the style that characterises his personality as a designer. A profound search for the essential, acute observation of the world we live in and a belief that simplicity can be inspirational. In 1993 he completed his Masters at the Royal College of Art, followed by 3 years in California with IDEO, and 3 years in Tokyo. This period involved the collaborations with Naoto Fukasawa, producing some startling product typologies over the course of 6 years. In 1999 he moved to London as IDEO’s Head of Industrial Design.

In 2002, he co-founded Industrial Facility with his partner Kim Colin. He began to work with manufacturers, and the number of clients increased in just a few years. For Muji Japan he created the ‘Second Phone'(2004), which led to him being invited to become Retained Designer for World Muji. For Taylor’s Eye Witness, a Sheffield company, he also became main designer producing notable sequels to Robert Welch’s work, selected for the Museum Fur Kunsthandwerk, Frankfurt and awarded the Design Plus and IF Gold prize for 2006. More recently he has been appointed Design Advisor to Herman Miller. His career has also included teaching and lecturing activities at the Stuttgart University and the Swiss ECAL school of Design amongst others. Between 2006 – 10, he acted as Senior tutor at the Royal College of Art, London and in 2011 was appointed visiting professor of HfG Karlsruhe in Germany. In 2008, he was elected as a Royal Designer for Industry (RDI), the highest accolade a designer can receive in the UK, and was also nominated for the Prince Philip Design Prize.

Kim Colin [Industrial Facility]
Kim Colin is from Los Angeles where she studied both art history and received a MArch in architecture at SCI-Arc. Her original practice Secret Studio focused on work with contemporary artists including Mike Kelley. In 1997 she moved to London to commission books for Phaidon Press and it was here that she edited the first monographs on architects Pierre Koenig and Jon Jerde. She has taught architectural design at the Royal College of Art and the Architectural Association both in London, focussing on the meeting point between brand and architecture. In 2002, after collaborting with Sam Hecht on several projects, they formed Industrial Facility. By involving her architectural sympathies to products and furniture, it has led to a more macro view on how the two worlds can progress and influence each other, and also to propogate a responsibility that industrial design has. In 2008 she was appointed Design Advisor to Herman Miller, after her contribution to the collaborations with the Enchord project. She has edited and written several books, including Things that go unseen and Usefulness in Small Things.

Maximum participants

Participation Conditions
The workshop is open to all.
Participants must attend for the full workshop period.

Application deadline
18:00, 20 March, 2018

Application form
Please fill in the bellow form and send it.