英国王立芸術学院、ロンドン芸術大学、デザインアカデミー・アイントホーフェン、京都嵯峨美術大学との共同で開催する「KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール」の参加者を募集します。

KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール

日程|2018年9月3日[月] – 13日[木](土日にプログラムはありません)
会場|KYOTO Design Lab、京都工芸繊維大学京丹後キャンパス地域連携センター




KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクールは、京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab、英国王立芸術学院[RCA]、ロンドン芸術大学[UAL](セントラル・セント・マーチンズ)、デザインアカデミー・アイントホーフェン[DAE]、京都嵯峨芸術大学、京都府織物・機械金属振興センターのコラボレーションによって進行されます。


2018年のサマースクールのフォーマットとテーマは、KYOTO Design Labによって企画された2017年のサマースクールのものを基盤としています。調査、フィールドリサーチ、D-labの先進的なファクトリー設備を使用するプロトタイピングをベースとした実践的なデザインワークショップが深く結びついたプログラムは、サラ・ロバートソン博士[RCA]、カンガン・アローラ[セントラル・セント・マーチンズ]、ジュリア・カセム特任教授[D-lab]によって主導されます。




京都市内に戻ったのち、京都工芸繊維大学先端ファイブロ科学専攻およびバイオベースマテリアル専攻の協力のもと、KYOTO Design Labで4日間のデザインワークショップをおこないます。このワークショップは、スマートマテリアルの専門家で英国王立芸術学院のサラ・ロバートソンと、テキスタイルとプリンティングの専門家でセントラル・セント・マーチンズ講師のカンガン・アローラが主導します。



9/3 京都工芸繊維大学にて事前説明
9/4-7 京丹後訪問
9/8-9 自由行動
9/10-13 KYOTO Design Labでのデザインワークショップ


» [レポート]学際的な知は、伝統的な製織産業を救うか?──KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール 京丹後編

» [レポート]テキスタイルデザインという地平、それを拓く冒険的体験──KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール KIT編




KYOTO Design Labは、京都工芸繊維大学および京都工芸繊維大学京丹後キャンパスでおこなわれるサマースクールのコンテンツ、計画、組織など一切を主催します。








2018年6月23日[土] 18:00まで



京都市左京区松ヶ崎橋上町1 京都工芸繊維大学
KYOTO Design Lab 事務局

KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School
New Materials > Old Challenges, Old Materials > New Challenges

Period: 3 – 13 September, 2018 [Weekends free]
Venue: KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology [KIT], Matsugasaki, Kyoto + Kyotango Campus, Kyoto Institute of Technology

Collaborating Partners

Royal College of Art [RCA]
University of the Arts London [UAL]
Design Academy Eindhoven[DAE]
Kyoto Saga University of the Arts
Kyoto Prefectural Institute for Northern Industry

About the Summer School

The KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School is an ongoing collaboration between KYOTO Design Lab at the Kyoto Institute of Technology [KIT], the Royal College of Art [RCA], the Design Academy Eindhoven [DAE], Central Saint Martins [UAL] Kyoto Saga University of the Arts and the Kyoto Prefectural Institute for Northern Industry.

It facilitates a creative and collaborative encounter between Japan’s traditional and experimental textile producers in the Tango Peninsula and the designers, textile engineers and materials scientists from Japan and overseas. We hope that the new design perspective introduced will lead to long-term creative and technical collaboration between all parties that will lead to new business for the textile producers.

The format and theme of the 2018 summer school will be based on the successful 2017 one organised by KYOTO D-Lab. It combines in-depth study and field research and a hands-on prototyping-based design workshop using the advanced workshop facilities of KYOTO D-Lab led by Dr Sara Roberston [RCA], Kangan Arora [Central Saintt Martins] and Professor Julia Cassim [D-lab].


The 12-day summer school will take place both in the Tango Peninsula and in Kyoto.
After a one-day orientation session at KYOTO Design Lab, participants will leave on a 4-day study tour to different weaving firms in Tango, which will culminate in a workshop at the KIT’s KyoTango campus with local producers. Returning to Kyoto, a 4-day design workshop at KYOTO Design Lab will be organised in collaboration with the Advanced Fibro Science Department and the Department of Bio-Based Materials at KIT. It will be led by smart materials specialist Dr Sara Roberston, RCA Textiles and print specialist, Kangan Arora , Associate Lecturer at Central Saint Martins, UAL.
The summer school will also include lectures by textile specialists in relation to the workshop themes.

Participation in KYOTO Design Lab (the second week) only is possible.

9/3 Briefing at KIT
9/4-7 KyoTango Visit
Visits to Tango textile producers (facilitated by Textile Research Centre)
One day workshop at Textile Research Centre/KIT KyoTango campus with local textile producers.
9/8-9 free
9/10-13 Kyoto Workshop
with demonstrations, lectures and visits at KIT

See a report on the 2017 Textiles Summer School below

» Report: KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School – Tango Study Tour

» Report: KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School – Part of the Workshop at KYOTO Design Lab

Who can participate?

Designers of all disciplines, textile engineers, textile producers, interested parties.

What are their respective roles?

D-lab will be the main project organiser for the contents, logistics and organisation of the summer school at KIT and KIT Kyotango campus.
The Kyoto Prefectural Institute for Northern Industry will facilitate the visits to textile producers and their participation in workshops in KyoTango.

Accommodation and Transport in Japan

D-lab will organise all domestic transport and accommodation for overseas participants. In Kyoto this will be at KIT’s International Student House[Marikoji Kaikan] depending on availability or local hotels while in Kyotango it will be at KIT’s Kyotango campus accommodation. Depending on resources and numbers, grants will be available to cover domestic accommodation and travel for overseas participants. Early application is advised. Overseas participants will be required to fund their own air tickets and daily subsistence expenses while in Japan.

To Apply

If you are interested in taking part, please send your full contact details, a short biography and description of your interest in the project and what you can contribute to it. Designers should send a portfolio of their work.
Please fill in the form below and send it.

Participants will be required to pay a 10,000 JPY Workshop/Materials fee.

Application Deadline

18:00 Saturday 23 June, 2018

Due to the large number of overseas applicants for the workshop, the deadline for application for them has been advanced to June 25, 2018. For those wishing to take part in the second week of the workshop alone, the deadline remains at July 23, 2018

Successful applicants will be informed by June 29


For any queries relating to the summer school please contact julia-cassim[at]kit.ac.jp (English) or info[at]d-lab.kit.ac.jp

E1-527, Kyoto Institute of Technology
1, Hashikami-cho
Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8585