Core77 Design Awards は、18の異なるデザイン分野において表彰する、今年で9年目を迎えるグローバルなアワードプログラムです。
デザインリサーチャー・イン・レジデンスは、(Re)Generative Designをテーマにした、ラディカルな発想や制作に基づく研究プロジェクトを本学教員と協働で展開するレジデンスプログラムです。
京都工芸繊維大学D-labの招聘デザイナーに着任しました。|MASA / Parsons School of Design|note
京都工芸繊維大学D-labで何をするのか?|MASA / Parsons School of Design|note
トランジションデザインの実践: 京都から2050年の生きがいを夢想する(その1)|MASA / Parsons School of Design|note
トランジションデザインの実践: 京都から2050年の生きがいを夢想する(その2)|MASA / Parsons School of Design|note
Recognizing excellence in all areas of design enterprise, the Core77 Design Awards annually celebrates the richness of the design profession as well as the insight and perseverance of its practitioners. Now in its ninth year, the Awards program remains dedicated to excellence and inclusivity, offering both students and professionals the opportunity to promote their best work on a global scale across 18 distinct design disciplines.
Masaki Iwabuchi, a D-lab Design Researcher in Residence, won Student Runner Up, Speculative Design Award, Core77 Design Awards 2020.
“Design Researcher in Residence” is a D-lab’s design research program under the theme of (Re)Generative Design.
In the recent years design has seen the expansion of problems it challenges, and design researchers have developed new theories, approaches and tools to deal with such complex socio-technical problems. Amongst such emerging design theories, Transition Design, a term coined by CMU Department of Design, received great attentions at the DRS conference in 2018. However, its practical contribution is not clear yet.
Accordingly this project, with Masaki Iwabuchi from Parsons MFA in Design and Technologies, worked on the case study on Transition Design for the future Kyoto. Transition Design is made from wide ranging theories and disciplines including Speculative Design and Social Construction of Technology; consequently we developed tools to visualize the multi-stakeholder environment mediation processes, and based on those tools we designed the future scenarios and artefacts.
The jury’s comments can be found in the video below.
For project reportsby Masaki, please see the following:
Masaki Iwabuchi joined the KYOTO Design Lab to research “Super Comprehensive” Human-Centered Design.
Case Study on Transition Design: Speculation of Life in 2050 from Kyoto (Part 1)
Case Study on Transition Design: Speculation of Life in 2050 from Kyoto (Part 2)