[KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール関連企画]
2017年7月24日〜8月4日の日程で開催する「KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール」にあわせて、英国王立芸術学院[RCA]のマリー・オマホニー氏によるパブリックレクチャーを開催いたします。ぜひご参加ください。
Advanced Textiles for Health + Wellbeing
講師|マリー・オマホニー(英国王立芸術学院 客員教授)
日時|2017年7月24日[月] 18:00-20:00
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 東3号館1階101号室
マリー・オマホニー Marie O’Mahony
[KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School related Lecture]
Marie O’Mahony’s public lecture will be on 24 July, 2017.
Advanced Textiles for Health + Wellbeing
Lecturer: Marie O’Mahony [Visiting Professor at the Royal College of Art]
Time: 18:00-20:00, Monday 24 July, 2017
Venue: East Building No.3, 4f E3-101, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Advanced and smart textiles are dramatically changing design for health and wellbeing. Developments range from highly engineered fiber structures to electronic ‘e-textiles’ and fine nonwovens that have been embedded with cosmetic and therapeutic creams. This presentation looks at the most innovative global fiber and fabric developments in the field and gives examples of how they are used in clothing, architecture, beauty products, transportation and the environment. The presentation will conclude by looking at the future role of textiles in health and wellbeing and the factors that will most likely influence this direction.
Marie O’Mahony is a Visiting Professor at the RCA and was a professor at Ontario College of Art and Design University and the University of Technology, Sydney. She is the author of six books on the relationship between technology and textiles, five with the publisher Thames and Hudson. The lecture title is taken from her most recent book Advanced Textiles for Health + Wellbeing (2011). She is director of O’Mahony Consultancy with clients that include Hussein Chalayan, NIKE, Zaha Hadid Architects and the Mayo Clinic. She works in Toronto and London.