
日本最大級の科学コミュニケーションイベント「サイエンスアゴラ」のリ・ブランディングおよび全体展示計画に取り組んだ。Through exhibition at “Science Agora,” the biggest science communication event in Japan, D-lab will have the opportunity to design space and brand for “Science Agora.”

デザイナー・イン・レジデンス・プログラムに招聘したジュリア・ローマン氏やアサ・アシュア氏のプロジェクトでは、京都の有限会社横山竹材店の協力を得た。Designer in Residence program was supported by Yokoyama Bamboo Products & Co. in using bamboo for projects by Julia Lohmann and Assa Ashuach.|photo by Juuke Schoorl

D-lab aims to realize and address social problems with leading researchers, designers and architects from all over the world. Through the different practice- based programs, we contribute to society in cooperation with a network that supports local industrial and economic activity as well as major companies.

日本最大級の科学コミュニケーションイベント「サイエンスアゴラ」のリ・ブランディングおよび全体展示計画に取り組んだ。Through exhibition at “Science Agora,” the biggest science communication event in Japan, D-lab will have the opportunity to design space and brand for “Science Agora.”

デザイナー・イン・レジデンス・プログラムに招聘したジュリア・ローマン氏やアサ・アシュア氏のプロジェクトでは、京都の有限会社横山竹材店の協力を得た。Designer in Residence program was supported by Yokoyama Bamboo Products & Co. in using bamboo for projects by Julia Lohmann and Assa Ashuach.
photo by Juuke Schoorl