都市の新陳代謝─すなわち、エネルギー・水・食品・製品・土壌・廃棄物などの循環─は、内外での物質収支や流通、あるいはそれを支えるインフラストラクチャなどを通じて、都市の姿を表象する。KYOTO Design Labとスイス連邦工科大学スタジオバーゼルが共同するこのプロジェクトは、日々の生活に欠かせない「食」の新陳代謝から京都という都市を理解し、京都への新たな提言を目指すものである。本年度はその初段階として、食材の原料となる水に始まり、生産、市場、食卓を経て廃棄物に至る流れ、そして各段階における空間的特質を、錦市場や京都市中央卸売市場をフィールドに調査し、文化的背景や都市構造・自然環境といった基礎的な知見を踏まえて、都市のなかに空間として表出する「食」を分析した。ヘルツ氏らから編集の指導も受け、調査・分析の成果は、400頁を超える書籍にまとめた。[三宅拓也]



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Urban metabolism—that is, the cycle of energy, water, food, goods, soil, and waste—represents the city through the internal and external balance and circulation of materials or the infrastructure that supports this. This joint project between KYOTO Design Lab and ETH Studio Basel examined Kyoto as a city formed from the metabolism of food indispensable to daily life, and then from this aimed to present new proposals for the city. In this fiscal year, as the first stage of the project, participants analyzed the way food is expressed as a space in the city, based on fieldwork at Nishiki Market and Kyoto Central Wholesale Market on the flow of food from its source, water, through the consequent stages of production, markets, consumption, and then finally waste, as well as the spatial nature of each stage, and also foundamental insights into cultural background, and urban structures and natural environments. The results of the surveys and analysis were published as a book of over 400 pages. [Takuya Miyake]

ETH Studio Basel
Visiting Professor Manuel Herz
Lecturer Shadi Rahbaran

May-June 2015

© 2015 Kyoto Institute of Technology All Rights Reserved.